For a once vegetarian then vegan now carnivore, this was a good week. This was the week of the 'meat party' as it is now known. This Saturday night was one of the culinary highlights of my time in Iceland to date. The party itself was nothing special, but the caterer must have been a flippin' magician. Much like all the other party stories I've told you, this one starts by me walking in to a room full of strangers half sozzled on mini Thor's.
It took a good 45 minutes until Hans and I met the hosts of the party or any of the guests. During that time we devoured Reindeer steaks, two kinds of smoked Duck, roasted Auk, baked Puffin and roast Lamb. To top it off it was all Fondue! Meat and cheese, I mean are ya wise? Because the socialising was kept to a minimum for the two of us, all I have left ior this week's post is a picture of me eating a Reindeer. Enjoy it. I did.
what part of the planet are you on now? i just read your comment on my fijikate blog..can't see ya on Facebook.