Sunday, November 2, 2008

Hibernation, Iceland

Unfortunately, but somewhat predictably, living in a small village at the northern tip of Iceland means that not every week will be worth talking about. This was I'm sure the first of many more to come. All I can offer you for the most part is some pictures of my frozen home.

A panoramic shot of home - Hólar í Hjaltadal

'Sunrise' over Skagafjörður, Northwest Iceland

The sun is on the horizon, rather than overhead

Saudákrókur Harbour

Walking through Saudákrókur on the way to Ólafshús for lunch

My mini Arctic icebreaker

It is interesting (well not really) to note that at this time of year you need special tyres to drive in Iceland - a matter legally enforced from 1 October. How exciting does my week sound if I am describing the kind of tyres they use here in Iceland?

Winter necessitates 4WD capability

And appropriate footwear for men and vehicles

Cars are fitted with special tyres that have small metal protrusions, a bit like nails, in order to increase grip on roads that would otherwise be impassable. Obviously you still need to drive with care, but at least they give you some traction when attempting to move uphill. Despite these clever little inventions, many people (most often tourists I'm assured) end up slipping off the road and need rescuing. Wind, however, is the main concern for Icelanders. At times it can be so strong that you are simply at it's mercy. If it wants you off the road, then that is exactly where it puts you. Fun fun fun.

Nails give added grip in icy conditions

Ok. Even I found this boring. I promise excitement next week. Well, either excitement or some more pretty pictures. And besides, why are you complaining? I know you're just procrastinating anyway. Get back to work.

1 comment:

  1. They look like sprigs on rugby boots..... said rugby cos AB's busy up Northern Hemi!!!! Is fascinating though think thye would go down on NZ roads????? Wouldn't want get foot run over would ya? And you right I should be working but thinking of you cold and sunburnt much more enjoyable!!! HEHEHEHEHE
