Monday, September 1, 2008


As a Conservation Biologist I am interested in studying the effects that humans have on the environment, and how we can best conserve the Earth's remaining biological diversity. My search for work that will increase my knowledge, expertise and experience has already taken me to the Fiji Islands and Australia. On March 15th 2008 I applied for a MSc position at Holar University College, IS - 551 Saudarkrokur, Iceland.

Having already completed coursework at Waikato University, Hamilton, New Zealand, and The University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji Islands I now need to produce a Thesis to complete my MSc Biology. Researchers in Iceland have been studying Arctic Charr populations since 2003. I will be completing a large study focused on the feeding activity, foraging mode, habitat selection and diet of these fish.

After being offered the position on April 13th and applying for my Residence and Work Permit on May 18th, after much discussion, delay and frustration, I was issued the necessary documentation on August 11th. On September 1st I was clean shaven and on my way ... at last.

Nana, Mum, Me and Dad at Napier Airport

Me and Chesterman comparing beard growage

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